Friday 29 July 2011


When I started this business 10 years ago, I often got calls and numerous visits from final-year university students wanting to do journalism internships with us. I would turn them away, proudly pronouncing that we do not take interns @ GENUINE!
How stupid was I?!
Fast-forward to 2010 – I was still getting similar calls and visits from students for internships. This time however, on the wise advice from one of my colleagues in the newspaper business, I decided to (finally) give them a try.
And so, for the first time ever, 2010 saw GENUINE take in 3 interns from June till December. And what a joy it was!
These energetic, young people have a mind of their own and come up with such unique and exciting ideas, I really wondered how I coped without their input before! The articles they write and the story angles they come up with, are simply amazing. And the best thing about it is that they are fearless… If it is challenging worth pursuing, they want to be a part of it!

Genuine Media Team 2010

If I had it my way, I would take in as many of them as possible because of the challenge they go through trying to gain access to newsrooms and gain the much-needed experiential learning. It is even heartbreaking knowing that most of them end up not graduating because they have not fulfilled that part of their learning process.

So I urge media entrepreneurs everywhere, to open up their newsrooms for interns…
Not only is this experience beneficial to them as students, but it is definitely a wise move on your part as an entrepreneur because you constantly inject fresh blood and have innovative, bright ideas at your disposal at all times.

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