Monday 1 August 2011

You have 1 Notification*.......

Instant messaging and instant notification is instant gratification that there is a recipient on the other end. The buzz and the beeps have become the sound tracks of our lives. You follow me and I follow you, but I wonder where are we all headed. 

Globalization! The chase for that little excitement, when you see that little icon on the top of your screen, which indicates that you have a message. It is an involuntary high, an anticipation of what lies between the digital codes that will determine your next reaction, a frown or a smile. 

Finding yourself not able to function when you have left your cell phone at home is a clear indication of how much we have become slaves to technology. While I am not complaining, I feel we have found ways to over-indulge on gadgets that are said to improve the standard of living - but which can also be self-destructive. 

When your natural instinct is no longer to give a genuine expression of mutual reflection, but to send an emoticon, you must know that you have been sucked into the cyber world that has taken over this generation, and which holds the whole world in the palm of its hands. 

My Space, your space - apparently we all have the space to create a persona that is in contrast to our real character. Is it because we are not happy with who we are or with our lives that we turn to an imaginative world to create the ideology that is contrary to our state of being? It will all remain a mystery in which I wish not to unravel because some anonymity is better left unsolved. 

I do concede however, that a sense of gratitude goes towards the platform that technology has created. There is more self-expression and opinionated views on daily global transitions. 

Needless to say, we have not all benefited in one-way or the other in this digital migration. I am therefore not ashamed to say that these are some of the gadgets that I cannot live without. Please share your thoughts and how technology contributes to your lifestyle and profession. 


Mobile email access

Gate remote opener

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