Thursday 23 June 2011

Stepping into the unknown

To blog or not to blog? That WAS the question!

Well, the answer is, yes, it is a great idea to have a blog and share thoughts and ideas with all who will have access to a blog.

So this is my space. My name is Mbali and from now on, I will give you a sneak peak into my life as the founder, editor, publisher, manager and owner of Genuine – a lifestyle family magazine for the Province of KwaZulu-Natal and Intuthuko – a community newspaper that also circulates in the Province.

Genuine Magazine

Intuthuko Newspaper
I hope the journey I am starting with you today will be your window into my world – the editor’s world. It is a very difficult yet exciting world. It is a kaleidoscope of all things fun and frustrating, all things good and not so good. It is a world where very few dare to tread! But for me personally, it is a world I would not trade for anything in this world… It is an awesome world where my brain goes into over-drive the minute I wake up in the morning. It is a world where I am always seated at the edge of my seat, with exciting, creative thoughts swirling inside my head.
It has taken me a long time to really get a grasp of the magnitude of the work that I do. To me, it is all normal and it is only fairly recently that I have started taking myself seriously as a publisher and editor of these two magical publications.

Yes, I am proud of the achievements and the great strides these two publications have made to get to where they are today.
So please join me, as I take you on a magical, genuine ride. Welcome to my space, the editor’s world…

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